The topics of interest for submission include, but are not limited to:
Decision support and optimization Data-driven decision system Ai-assisted decision process optimization Risk assessment and management The role of AI in financial risk prediction Personalized marketing Application of AI in financial risk prediction Application of AI in brand management and public relations strategy Ai-assisted innovative product design The role of human-computer interaction in product development Operation management and efficiency improvement Automated operation process Application of AI in manufacturing and logistics automation AI-based equipment prediction and maintenance strategy |
Application of AI in human resources and organizational management Application of AI in performance evaluation and incentive mechanism Data security and privacy protection Privacy protection technology AI in data protection and compliance Network security and intrusion detection Financial management and Fintech Smart financial management and investment Application of AI in fraud detection and prevention Customer experience and intelligent interaction Big Data and information analytics Data integration and analysis Application of AI in cross-domain data analysis |
Manuscripts passed the peer-review process by expert reviewers from the conference organizing committee will be accepted and published in the Conference Proceedings. The published papers will then be submitted to Ei Compendex and Scopus for indexing.